Top 7 Keto Mistakes People Make on the Keto Diet

Keto is hot right now.


Because it works.  If you follow a strict Keto diet, you will lose a substantial amount of weight. 

The other truth is that Keto can be difficult.  There are a lot of mistakes that people make that can throw you out of Ketosis and derail your weight loss.

Here are our top 7 most common Keto Mistakes that people make.

#1 - Not Getting Enough Fat

Many people are surprised to hear that Keto is not just a low carb diet.  It is a low carb, high fat diet.  To be in a Ketosis (fat burning) state, you need to eliminate carbs, but you also need to have enough fat so that your body can produce Ketones.

The Ketones your body produces will “eat” your stored fat and help you lose weight at a rapid pace.

If you want to be in Ketosis, 70% - 80% of your diet needs to come from fat.  Anything less than this will lead to inconsistent results.

#2 - Eating too Many Carbs

When we eat carbs, our bodies turn those carbs into glucose (sugar) for fuel.  That sugar is initially in our bloodstream and our bodies recognizes that it does not want high concentrations of sugar in our blood, so our bodies release insulin to shuttle the sugar out of our blood and it stores that sugar in our tissue.  This stored glucose is what we think of as fat.

The short-term impact of eating too many carbs and having it stored as fat is that we gain weight.  Over the course of time this can lead to obesity and dozens of other health related issues.

The longer-term impact of eating too many carbs is that the cycle of eating too many carbs / insulin release / fat storage eventually wears out our bodies ability to remove the sugar from our blood stream.  When our blood sugar levels rise and stay risen because our bodies are overwhelmed this is known as Type II Diabetes.

One of the most effect ways to lose weight is to eliminate the sugar in our blood.  This will eliminate the need for our bodies to release insulin.  Therefore, there will be no need for our bodies to store the glucose as fat, because there won’t be an overabundance of glucose in our blood.

A strict Keto diet calls for no more that 5% of our daily calories coming from carbs.  We suggest that 5% only comes from leafy green vegetables as well.  While you are trying to lose weight, we suggest that high sugar veggies like corn be eliminated from your diet.  We also suggest that you limit your fruit consumption to only fresh berries until you reach your goal weight.

Keeping your carb consumption to 5% or less is essential to staying in Ketosis.

#3 - Eating too Much Protein

This one surprises people a bit.  When we reduce our carbs, for a lot of us, our natural inclination is to make those calories up with protein.

The problem is that, in the absence of carbs, our bodies can convert protein into glucose and we are right back where we started from. 

Let’s get one thing straight.  Protein is essential for every major function in our body.  The amino acids in protein are literally the building blocks your body needs.

That said, protein should make up no more than 20% of your daily calories.  This will give you body the amino acid building blocks it needs and still keep you in Ketosis.

#4 -Not Knowing Your Ratios

When someone asks us if they need to “track their macros” we always answer “yes” and “no”.

When you first start on the Keto diet, it is essential that you track your macros.  It is really important that you keep your macros inline (Fat – 75%, Carbs 5%, Protein 20%).

When you first start out on Keto, you will have no idea where your macros are falling if you aren’t tracking them.  If you aren’t getting the results you want, you will have no idea on what adjustments to make.

As you go along on Keto, it may not be as critical to track your macros.  After tracking your macros for some time, you will have a “feel” for how your macros are lining up.

#5 -Not Having an Eating Plan

Following a Keto diet is not like following the Standard American Diet (SAD).

On the SAD diet, there are carbs and prepared foods everywhere.  It is easy.

Keto, on the other hand, is not quite as easy.

Keto foods, while becoming more available, are not everywhere yet.

That means you need to be prepared.  You need to do some advance preparation, either through shopping or cooking to be ready.

Here is a quick story to illustrate this point.

When we first began the Keto diet, we were working in the yard one Sunday afternoon.  Time got away from us and all of a sudden it was getting close to dinner time and we were unprepared.  Frank was frustrated and feeling “Hangry” and almost walked away from Keto.

The point is, Keto takes a little planning and preparation. 

#6 -Not Getting Enough Sleep

Not getting enough sleep can actually through your body out of Ketosis.

Here is what had to say about this…

“In an effort to increase energy levels in the face of having less sugar, the body triggers the release of stress hormones like cortisol. The cortisol and other stress hormones will then increase insulin resistance and stimulate gluconeogenesis to help increase blood sugar levels.”

In other words, when you aren’t getting enough sleep, in an effort to provide you energy, your body will release cortisol.  Cortisol will look to convert the carbs and protein in your diet to glucose and spike your blood sugar levels.

Here are 4 easy tips to getting a better night’s sleep…

  • Try to maintain a regular sleeping schedule (Going to bed about the same time and waking up about the same time) whenever possible.
  • Eliminate distractions like cell phones from your sleeping space.
  • Keep your room dark and cool.
  • Try and get 8 hours sleep whenever possible.

#7 - Not Being Patient

Keto is not a quick fix diet.  People see others having great success and they think it happens overnight.

Every single person is different in how they respond to Keto.

Let’s use Frank and Cat as an example.

When we began Keto, Frank took off like a shot.  He had high energy levels and lost 7 pounds in his first week.

Catherine came down with the “Keto flu” and lost only a few pounds in the first month.

Once Catherine’s body adapted to the diet, the weight began to come off and she made great progress.

The point is, be patient.  Everyone will react differently to Keto, but the diet works.

You will lose weight if you continue to follow the guidelines we lay out in our “21 Day Keto Reset” Diet eBook.

5 Tips to Staying Keto When Eating Out

Eating out with friends and family while trying to maintain a Keto lifestyle can be a challenge for sure. Restaurants are chock full of items like carb laden alcoholic drinks, bread, potatoes, pasta and deserts that are all lurking, just waiting for you to lose your will power and fall out of Ketosis.

Here are 5 tips that will insure you can stay in Ketosis AND enjoy a nice dinner out.

1.       Do your research

Almost every restaurant you will want to go to now has their menu online. Spend a bit of time reviewing what options you might have prior to arriving at the restaurant.  This will help you make informed choices without feeling any pressure.

2.      Have a “support partner”

Share your Keto goals with someone who will be at dinner with you.  Explain to them what you are trying to accomplish and why staying away from carbs is important to you.  Ask that person to support you during the meal and remind you of your goals if you feel a moment of weakness.

3.      Eat a “Keto Pre-Meal”

We often make made food choices when we get hungry.  When our hunger gets the best of us, we often reach for something quick and easy.  In a restaurant full of tempting foods, this can really throw you out of Ketosis quickly. A great strategy to follow is to eat a Keto friendly snack or meal before heading out (For a list of 60 Keto meals download our 21 Day Keto Reset Diet ebook here).  This will keep you full and less likely to make a choice you will regret later.

4.      Go Low Carb

Many people think of the Keto diet as low carb, but it Is really low carb and high fat.  Your body needs the high fat to go into Ketosis.  That said, it can be hard to eat a low carb / high fat meal when you are out.  In that case, try and eat a low carb only meal and worry about getting your fats in earlier in the day.

5.      Drink Exogenous Ketones Before Going Out

Exogenous Ketones will do two things for you when going out for a meal. First, they will keep you in Ketosis (even if you have a few carbs).  Exogenous Ketones put your body in Ketosis within 60 minutes of drinking them and you will stay in Ketosis for 6 – 8 hours.  Exogenous Ketones also function as an appetite suppressant so you will be much less likely to over eat while you are out (Read our full review of Exogenous Ketones HERE).


Bonus Tip – Focus on the Moment, Not the Food

Often times when we go out, we make it all about the food.  In those cases, passing on some of your favorite carb laden foods can be difficult.  But, if your focus is on spending time, enjoying a night out with those you love, the food becomes secondary.  Your focus will be on fun and laughter and not the bread on the table.

The bottom line is be prepared and then go out and have a great night!!!

How Ketones Effect Athletic Performance

Ketones are changing the way people around the world are looking at athletic performance from around the world.  Trainers, fitness professionals, professional athletes and recreational athletes are waking up to the impact that exogenous Ketones are having on athletic performance.

Supplementing with exogenous Ketones are producing real world results for every level of athlete. 

For those using Ketones, they have seen first hand how exogenous Ketones can improve athletic performance and fitness.  For some, on the other hand, don’t understand how Ketones work and therefore, won’t understand the impact of athletic performance.  Many assume that Ketones are only for those following a Ketogenic diet.  The reality is nothing could be further from the truth. 

So how do exogenous Ketones impact athletic performance?

When most people think of Ketones, they think of nutritional ketosis.  When someone follows a low carb / high fat diet, known as the Keto diet.  In the absence of carbs, the body does not have anything to convert into glucose for energy.  In this scenario, the body will produce “Ketones” as an alternative fuel.  This state is known as “Nutritional Ketosis”.

Until recently, the only way to have Ketones in your body was to follow a highly carb restricted Keto diet.

Thanks to the research of the Department of Defense and DARPA, scientists created exogenous (from the outside) Ketones.  It is now possible to have a Ketone fueled body, without having to follow the Keto diet.

So, the question you may be asking is “Why does any of this matter?”

Ketones in your body act as a “fourth macronutrient”.  Ketones have a very high energy level, much higher than carbs, protein or fat.  In fact, our bodies are so adaptable that they can run off of glucose and Ketones.  In other words, by adding in exogenous Ketones, you body can actually have two sources of energy!!

For some, this just means they now have the energy to get through the day so much easier than they did before.

For athletes, or anyone working out, the implications are even greater. 

When you are training your goal is to work out hard, rest, recover and train again as quickly as possible.  Studies have shown that Ketones produce more ATP with less oxygen than glucose thus shortening the training / recover cycle.

Ketones have been shown to…

  • Improve muscle power and strength output through improved cell signaling.
  • Spare protein which minimizes muscle metabolism (This is huge when trying to lose weight).
  • Help our bodies regenerate faster to shorten the training cycle.
  • Reduce / eliminate inflammation in the body for less joint pain and better mobility.

 Now you can see why Ketones are quickly becoming the most talked about supplement in the world.  From high level athletes, to weekend warriors, to every day people, everyone is beginning to understand the benefits of Ketones.

To learn more about exogenous Ketones, read our Keto Max Review Here.

4 Tips to Being Keto on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving, and the Holidays in general, can wreak havoc on your Keto Diet if you aren't prepared.  With all the potatoes, rolls and deserts, it can be a challenge, even for the most dedicated of us!!

In this article we explore Frank and Cats 4 Best Tips for staying Keto on Thanksgiving!!  

TIP #1 - Have Keto Friendly Alternatives Available

This is actually a great tip for most of the year, but it really helps on a holiday like Thanksgiving, even when you are going somewhere else for the day.

For example, we will be spending the day at my sister-in-laws and we will be bringing a Keto friendly cheese cake for desert, salami and cheese for an appetizer and some Keto rolls to eat with our dinner.  These amazing alternatives will help keep us satisfied throughout the day.

Tip #2 - Eat Early, Eat Often

One of the great things about eating Keto is all the fat can keep you really full.  This is particularly important on Thanksgiving when you might be even more tempted to stray.  Making sure that you are getting you fats in starting early in the day will help to insure that you don't reach for the carb laden foods later on that day. 

Tip #3 - Thanksgiving is Just One Day

If you decide you don't want to follow a Keto Diet on Thanksgiving and you want to indulge in some non Keto food, remember that Thanksgiving is just one day.  It's not Wednesday.  Its not Friday.  Its Thursday.  Enjoy the foods you want on Thursday and then get back on the plan on Friday.

Tip #4 - Drink Exogenous Ketones

Drinking Exogenous Ketones (See our Ketone Review Here) will keep your body in Ketosis for 6 - 8 hours, even if you don't follow a Keto Diet.  This is a great way for you to stay in Ketosis on Thanksgiving, even if you don't follow a Keto Diet that day.

Here are some great Keto friendly Thanksgiving recipes...

Roast Turkey

One of the great things about Keto is that you can indulge in the dark meat and the skin of the turkey without any guilt at all!!

To check out this amazing, and simple recipe, CLICK HERE

Cauliflower Stuffing

At just a fraction of the carbs of regular stuffing, this cauliflower stuffing is high on taste and low on carbs!!!

To see this recipe, CLICK HERE

Best Cheese Ball Bites

Like fat bombs, cheese balls offer an amazing, and delicious snack.  These babies are not only delicious, they are Keto friendly as well so eat up!

CLICK HERE to get this recipe. 

Low Carb Cheese Cake

Cheese cake is one of the great indulgences in the world.  The great thing about this recipe is that you won't even know it is low carb.

Big on taste - Low on carbs!

CLICK HERE to see this recipe...

Lasagna Stuffed Chicken

So good!  So easy!  You will be a huge hit with this family favorite!!


  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 1 cup whole milk ricotta cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 3 teaspoons Italian seasoning divided
  • 2 cloves crushed garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 cups shredded mozzarella divided
  • 1 cup marinara sauce
  • Additional Salt and Pepper to taste

  • Butterfly chicken breasts and place into a lightly greased baking dish.
  • In a mixing bowl , stir together ricotta cheese, egg, 2 teaspoons Italian seasoning, garlic, salt, and 1 cup mozzarella cheese.
  • Spoon about 1/4 cup of sauce onto one half of each chicken breast. Spread ricotta mixture on top of the sauce and fold chicken breasts over to close.
  • Drizzle remaining marinara sauce over chicken. Top with remaining mozzarella cheese. Sprinkle with remaining Italian seasoning and season with salt and pepper.
  • Bake in a 400 degree oven for 25-30 minutes, until chicken reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees F.

Egg Cups

This recipe is sooooo easy and you can make enough of these egg cups at one time to last the entire week!!

Step 1 - Line a large muffin tin with "cupcake liners" to make your clean up easier.

Step 2 - Line a low sugar bacon around the sides of each lined slot.

Step 3 - Crack an egg into each slot *

Step 4 - Add a bit of your favorite grated cheese.

Step 5 - Sprinkle with some salt and pepper.

Step 6 - Bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees.

Step 7 - Enjoy!!

*To add a bit more fat to these, you can scramble the eggs with some heavy whipping cream.

Our 6 Biggest Tips to Starting the Keto Diet

It doesn't matter if you are new to Keto and a seasoned veteran, these 6 amazing tips will have you having success on Keto quickly...

Keto Pancakes

These amazing Keto Pancakes are so good that you will never miss the carbs!!



  1. In a food processor or large mixing bowl combine cream cheese, butter and eggs. It is easiest to use room temperature butter and cream cheese.

  2. Add the protein powder to the wet ingredient mixture and mix until fully combined.

  3. Heat a skillet on medium heat. Pour in the pancake batter and cook for 2 minutes on each side. See "notes on serving size" section for info on how much batter to use for 100 calorie cakes.

  4. Enjoy!

Great Keto Snack – Baked Salami Chips

Looking for a great Keto snack that is simple and quick to prepare!

Try our baked spicy salami chips.

I bought these at Aldi and baked them at 350 for 15 minutes.  When they come out of the over they will be nice and crisp!!

Place them on a plate with a paper towel to cool when they are done.

Dip them in pesto or eat with cheddar cheese for a delicious snack.