How Ketones Effect Athletic Performance

Ketones are changing the way people around the world are looking at athletic performance from around the world.  Trainers, fitness professionals, professional athletes and recreational athletes are waking up to the impact that exogenous Ketones are having on athletic performance.

Supplementing with exogenous Ketones are producing real world results for every level of athlete. 

For those using Ketones, they have seen first hand how exogenous Ketones can improve athletic performance and fitness.  For some, on the other hand, don’t understand how Ketones work and therefore, won’t understand the impact of athletic performance.  Many assume that Ketones are only for those following a Ketogenic diet.  The reality is nothing could be further from the truth. 

So how do exogenous Ketones impact athletic performance?

When most people think of Ketones, they think of nutritional ketosis.  When someone follows a low carb / high fat diet, known as the Keto diet.  In the absence of carbs, the body does not have anything to convert into glucose for energy.  In this scenario, the body will produce “Ketones” as an alternative fuel.  This state is known as “Nutritional Ketosis”.

Until recently, the only way to have Ketones in your body was to follow a highly carb restricted Keto diet.

Thanks to the research of the Department of Defense and DARPA, scientists created exogenous (from the outside) Ketones.  It is now possible to have a Ketone fueled body, without having to follow the Keto diet.

So, the question you may be asking is “Why does any of this matter?”

Ketones in your body act as a “fourth macronutrient”.  Ketones have a very high energy level, much higher than carbs, protein or fat.  In fact, our bodies are so adaptable that they can run off of glucose and Ketones.  In other words, by adding in exogenous Ketones, you body can actually have two sources of energy!!

For some, this just means they now have the energy to get through the day so much easier than they did before.

For athletes, or anyone working out, the implications are even greater. 

When you are training your goal is to work out hard, rest, recover and train again as quickly as possible.  Studies have shown that Ketones produce more ATP with less oxygen than glucose thus shortening the training / recover cycle.

Ketones have been shown to…

  • Improve muscle power and strength output through improved cell signaling.
  • Spare protein which minimizes muscle metabolism (This is huge when trying to lose weight).
  • Help our bodies regenerate faster to shorten the training cycle.
  • Reduce / eliminate inflammation in the body for less joint pain and better mobility.

 Now you can see why Ketones are quickly becoming the most talked about supplement in the world.  From high level athletes, to weekend warriors, to every day people, everyone is beginning to understand the benefits of Ketones.

To learn more about exogenous Ketones, read our Keto Max Review Here.

What are Ketones? Ketones Explained

What are Ketones?  Ketones Explained

When our bodies have little to no glucose to use as fuel, our bodies burn fat.  The fat is broken down through the live and our liver produces what is known as Ketones.  The most common Ketone is beta hydroxybutyrate (BHB).

Given the high level of carbohydrates most people eat, very few people ever get into Ketosis because there is always an abundance of glucose (sugar) in the blood stream.  Until recently, the only way to get into Ketosis was to limit the number of carbs we ate so that our bodies would be forced to burn fat for fuel.  This state of “nutritional Ketosis” could take days, weeks or even months to obtains, depending on the person’s adaption rate.

Ketone’s are now being produced that are the exact BHB formulation that the body creates.  This means that someone can now be in Ketosis within 60 minutes or less. 

To learn more about Ketone supplementation CLICK HERE.

What is the Difference Between Exogenous Ketones and Nutritional Ketosis?

Nutritional Ketosis is a state where your body begins to use stored fat as fuel.  Most people ingest a high level of carbs daily.  These carbs are then converted to glucose for fuel.  As a reaction to the large surge of glucose in our bloodstream, our bodies release insulin and store the glucose as fat.  Repeating this cycle over and over again can lead to chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

When we change our diet to a low carb, moderate protein, high fat (Keto) diet, our bodies our bodies switch to burning fat for energy.  This is a state known as nutritional Ketosis.

Unfortunately, getting into and staying into nutritional Ketosis can be difficult.

For some, it can days, weeks or even months to get into Ketosis.  For others, eating too many carbs, or not enough fat, can knock them out of Ketosis.

Exogenous Ketones allow you to ingest Ketones through an oral drink (that tastes amazing!).  This will elevate your blood Ketone levels without having to follow a strict Keto diet.

With the Exogenous Ketones, you will be in Ketosis within 60 minutes and stay there between 6 – 8 hours.  Exogenous Ketones can be a great way to propel your body into nutritional Ketosis.

We use Keto Max by Pruvit everyday to insure that we stay in Ketosis.  It is a patented formula and has the exact formulation as the Ketones that your body would produce.  They have been our secret to losing almost 50 pounds in combined weight.

If you are ready to take Pruvit Ketones to the test, CLICK HERE to learn more.